Dr. Catherine Aimone-Martin is President of Aimone-Martin Associates, LLC in New Mexico. She served 25 years as Professor of Mineral Engineering and currently as Emeritus Professor with New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.
Dr. Aimone-Martin has over 40 years’ experience in quarry and construction blast consulting and monitoring specializing in close-in blasting effects on above and below ground structures, for open-air disposals and demolitions and in underwater blasting environments. She has developed specialized instrument systems to measure structure response as well as blast vibrations and pressures to guide design modifications and allow blasting to be safely conducted in sensitive and otherwise restricted environments.
Notable recent projects include the reconstruction of the World Trade Center, Panama Canal Third Set of Locks, 2nd Avenue Subway in Manhattan, Folsom Dam Spillway, removal of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge piers, demolition of the Lock and Dam 53 gantry crane and of the Kosciuszko Bridge between Brooklyn and Queens. Dr. Aimone-Martin writes performance-based blasting and monitoring specifications for construction projects involving pipelines, dams, and highways.
Dr. Aimone-Martin is the author of over 87 publications and conducts training courses for blaster certification in 11 states. She is a Qualified Blasting Consultant for Departments of Transportation in several states and hold a New York City E10 Blaster license.
Dr. Aimone-Martin was the 2012 recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and a former member of the ISEE Board of Directors.