Jeff has 26 years of experience working with the Kentucky Department of Natural Resources regulating blasting parameters in mining and construction. Responsibilities included interpretation and enforcement of KY explosives & blasting laws, directing, and assisting DNR personnel across KY with ensuring blasting safety and enforcement measures met regulatory guidelines. Other duties included overseeing the state blaster’s license program, advising industry personnel on regulatory compliance and prevention of adverse off-site blasting impacts, coordinating with other state and federal agencies regarding explosives issues, and moderating numerous public meetings with concerned citizens. Jeff oversaw state investigations into citizen complaint allegations of concerns or damages from blasting vibrations or activities to ensure accurate and objective reporting of investigative findings. Jeff currently serves on the Board of the Kentucky Blasting Conference, and on the ISEE’s Public Education/Public Relations & the Governmental Affairs Committees. He has been working with Saul’s Seismic since 2011 as a blasting and vibration consultant, serving in the role of President for the last six years.