51st Annual Conference Registration is Open!
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What: ​Deep Sea Fishing Excursion!

​When:​ Wednesday, January 24, 2024

​Time:​​ 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 pm. (lunch from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm)

​Where:​ Boats to pick up at the Convention Center Boat Dock

​As a sponsor, you will receive:

• Your company name on one of the fishing boats.
• Five registrations tickets to participate on the excursion.
• Signage at the pre-fishing luncheon.
• A link from ISEE’s Conference Website to your company’s website (or desired location).
• Company visibility throughout the event on the ISEE 50thanniversary sponsorship loop. PLUS:
o Branding in the exhibit hall, session rooms, and networking events.
• Recognition in the Conference program
• Each boat holds five individuals and includes snacks and a cooler full of drinks.
• The following types of fish you are likely to reel in include: (catch and release only)
o Tarpon and Redfish
o Trout and Shark
o Covia, King, and Spanish Mackerel
• The boats are 26’ power cats and V hull fishing boats.

Sponsorship Price: $6,000. Includes five (5) tickets.

To confirm your participation call or email Steve at 440.349.4403 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..





Use of a Scaled Concrete Model to Determine the Origins of Air Overpressure

Worsey-Silvaequation for modeling fragmentation caused by row timing
Tristan Worsey


Blasting Engineers/Blasting Consultants and Blasters-in-Charge – Combat or Cooperation

Working with "new media" from insights on "The Detonators" series to video depositions for forcourt cases.
Paul Worsey

Electronic Detonators. CommercialExplosive Demolition Applications.
Ron Gilbert

Nitroglycerin Overexposure
Brian Lewis


Review of flyrock incidents insurface mining and the limitations of current predictive models
Simon Tose

Breaking the Nitrate Based Explosives Greenhouse – The Dawn of Production Scale Hydrogen Peroxide Emulsion (HPE) for Industrial Blasting
D. Scott Scovira

Sustainable productivity in the exploitation processes of a mining site adjacent to communities
Pablo Fredes

Blasting Near Communities: A review of new techniques, technologies, and monitoring tools to minimize the environmental impact generated by blasting.
Washington Vilas


HMX Based Electronic Initiation System for Blasting in High Temperature Ground and/or Extremely Reactive Ground
Karl Dufresne

Optimization of Blind Ascending Raise in Multiple Blasting Events
Juan Pablo Rivera

Dust Control in the Environment Using New Technologies and Blasting Techniques.
Washington Vilas

Vibration Control In Open Cut Mine Through Pre-Loading Applying Wireless Detonators
Pedro Lozada


Flyrock Mitigation Through the Useof Drones in Surface Quarry Blasting
Joshua Schoonover

Quantifying NOx Fume Events in Blasting using Drones: Improving Environmental Performance and Public Perception.
Abraham Lindo

Use of Exclusion Zone modeling forthe Optimization of Blasting Evacuation Areas
Pablo Fredes

SmokeFCM: Segmentation of Quarry Blast Smoke Plumes using Self-Adaptive Weighted Fuzzy C-Means
Xuesong Liu

*Authors listed are the primary authors who submitted each paper.*


Prototype of MEMS-based accelerometric network for continuous monitoring of blasting efficiency and seismic velocities
Piotr Mertuszka

Data Driven Improvement of Active Rockburst Prevention in Polish Underground Copper Mines
Krzysztof Fuławka

Vibration impact reduction to the community
Juan Pablo Rivera

Experimental method to evaluate the vibrational behavior of low energy explosives and their impact on slope damage control.
Pedro Lozada

Application, monitoring, and control of vibrations induced by underground rock blasting using a near-field methodology.
Arthur Matos


Shock and Transient Gas Pressure Damage to Electronic Detonators
Rob Farnfield

Cold Detonation Physics: A New Field of Non-Toxic Nitrogen-Free Explosives
Daren Swanson

Pyrotechnic Mortar Pressure and Exit Velocity Study
Ryan Sibley

Using a Ballistic Pendulum as a simple alternative to the Ballistic Mortar for measuring TNT Equivalencies
Roland Alford

Advanced techniques using microscopy to quickly assess emulsion quality and stability.
Gary Cavanough


Reduced Blast Spillover Program Creation by Changing Blast Patterns and Mine Designs
Jake Cefalo

Modeling Strains in Production Blasts for Efficiency Improvements
Ruilin Yang

Finite Element Modelling for Predicting Backbreak in Rock Blasting Operations.
Satyabrata Behera

GEM (Geologic Element Motion) Blast Heave Modeling Sensitivity Studies of Explosive Formulations and Energy Partitioning as well as Particle Sizes and Shapes
Charles Lownds


Ore guiding in underground mining from MWD data using machine learning clustering techniques
Alberto Fernandez

Modern Underground Raise and Slot Design
Nathan Rouse

Stope performance optimisation through the introduction of new underground bulk explosives technology.
Samuel Evans

Numerical investigation of impact of misfires and out-of-sequence delays on fragmentation and gravity flow in SLC
Changping Yi


Geomechanical differentiation of cratering mechanisms and burden dependency investigated through single hole blast tests.
Jonathan Aubertin

Application of New Technologies for Particle Size Distribution Data Acquisition using FrontEnd Loaders
Rafael Acosta

Enhancing Blast Performance Evaluation through 3D Muckpile Fragmentation Analysis: Overcoming Surface-Based Limitations
Ondrej Cermak

Blasting Optimization Using Autonomous Fragmentation Monitoring System
Pablo Fredes


Increased Blasting Efficiency Through Operational and Geological Controls on Ore Particle Size
Washington Vilas

Slope stability’s control for designing and execution of massive open pit blasting
Paulo Couceiro

Quantifying shovel performance through blast pattern boundaries
Kerina Taylor

A powder factor build-up model to analyze most common powder factor influencing factors at the Serra Sul mine
Leonardo Chaves

*Authors listed are the primary authors who submitted each paper.*


Use of Electronic detonators to control blast vibrations– a cautionary tale
William Birch

Vibration Monitoring Standards Connected to the use ofExplosives in Different Countries, Part III Monitoring
Mathias Jern

Close-in Pipeline TrenchBlasting – Why PipeBlast Does Not Work
Catherine Aimone-Martin

A Full-Field solution topredict vibrations in the presence of a free surface
Santiago Gómez


Study of Ultrafine Controls in Blasting
Pablo Fredes

The environmental impact of AN prills on emulsion explosives
Carlota R. San Miguel

Detonation ofNon-Electric Initiation Systems Across an Air Gap
Cody Lewis

Aquarium tests to studythe detonation behaviour of a non-ideal explosive
Miguel Araos


Implementation of a Real-Time Ore Tracking System from Mine to Plant
Pedro Lozada

Blast design optimization system to improve mining downstream operations by adapting the explosive energy tothe rock mass based on drill monitoring data.
Juan Navarro

Blasting fragmentation model to increase mill productivity and optimize resources based on the Mine to Mill methodology.
Augusto Ribeiro

The Smart Application of Explosives for Drill to Mill (D2M) Optimization
Jhon Silva


Elevated Temperature and Reactive Ground Testing Best Practices
Scott Hunsaker

The Feasibility of Water-Cased Kicker Charges with Pentolite Stingers as a Replacement for Dynamite in Demolition
Rachel Bauer

Blasting for Installation of one ofthe World’s Largest In-Pit Crushers at an Open Cut Copper Mine
Stephen Mansfield

Challenges and Lessons Learned fromthe Kentucky Lock Project
Keith Best

ISEE Executive Director Steven Shivak gives a break down of the ISEE 50th Conference activities and information.

It was a great turn out Sunday, Jan. 30, 2022, as nearly 250 people headed out to the Mob Museum for the Emerging Professionals Social.

Situated in a three-floor historical U.S. Post Office and Courthouse built in 1933, the Mob Museum is full of historical relics from the olden days of bootlegging and organized crime. Attendees were treated to food and drinks as they walked the halls of this one-of-a-kind museum.

Recognition awards were given out in the evening to the volunteers who helped with the Explosives Everyday! project, including: Jim Redyke, Roberto Folchi, Ron Gilbert, Mark Johnson, Amanda Mclean, Tassilo Baur, Richard O'Meara, Jim Daley, Jason Baird, Brian Gorsage, Mark Ganster, Kyle Perry, Jerry Wallace, Kristen Kolden, Jared Redyke, Chuck Dowding, Cathy Aimone-Martin, Joseph Meyers, Ralph Burnham, Kelly Ratliff, Kristie Bishop, Brian Lewis, Johan Gjodvad and Drew Martin. Alastair Torrance was recognized for his role as the series host, and Travis Davidsavor was recognized for his contribution as project lead and moderator for each episode.

Check out our Facebook page to see all the pictures.

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