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47th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique Cancellation
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I regret to announce that the 47th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique has been cancelled. The Board came to this  decision after considerable research into the viability of hosting a quality conference under the prevailing conditions. Ultimately, we have to observe health and safety requirements, and do our part to ensure that all participants and ISEE staff remain safe. 

The Board agreed there was too much uncertainty whether the pandemic was going to dramatically improve during coming months. There is a major risk the conference would have substantially fewer delegates and a much-reduced exhibition as well as a technical program that would be compromised by the difficulties in travel. We did not want to tarnish the reputation of ISEE conferences by delivering an experience that was not up to standard. Despite the significant financial impact on the ISEE, the best decision for the health and wellbeing of our members, industry partners and staff was to cancel now.

This decision is disappointing to us all, and we thank you for your support and understanding. We would like to pay tribute to all the hard work of the Conference Advisory, Program and Blaster’s Training sub-committees and staff, and to acknowledge the significant commitment by speakers in preparing abstracts in anticipation of the conference. If it had been a normal year and we had gone ahead, we know it would have been a fantastic event.

Our short-term focus now is on providing suitable online training materials and potential networking opportunities for our members. The absolute format of this is being worked out, but ISEE is committed to providing a resource for the industry to continue to learn and practice the science and art of explosives engineering in a safe and practical manner. 

We are also planning for the Annual Conference in 2022. Our aim is to make this more rewarding than ever for delegates, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors.

See you in 2022!

Alastair Torrance
President, ISEE