51st Annual Conference Registration is Open!
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The ISEE Board of Directors Election is now underway. Eligible voters, all members in good standing with the exception of student members, can cast votes until Dec. 1, 2015. 

Eligible voters with an email on file should have received an email with step-by-step instructions for casting a vote online. Members who don’t have an email address on file will soon be receiving print ballots in the mail.

This year, we will be raffling off the new 18th Edition Blasters’ E-Handbook to five randomly drawn voters who submit a ballot by the voting deadline. The lucky winners will be among the first people to have this yet-to-be-released e-book that will be compatible with most mobile devices and desktop computers. We will also offer voters a 10% off coupon to the ISEE Bookstore for a future purchase.

To be eligible for both, include your member ID number in the “Please enter any additional comments below” section of the survey that you’ll be asked to complete immediately after submitting your ballot. Please note: This is the only way we will be able to verify you submitted a ballot. All ballots will remain confidential. Your member ID number will only be used to contact you for the 10% off coupon and to enter you into the e-book drawing.

Aside from the post-election survey, this electronic election packet includes a ballot sheet and bios of each candidate. Please read each bio carefully, and place your vote for the candidates you feel will make the biggest positive impact on ISEE and the explosives industry while following our mission of advancing the science and art of explosives engineering.

Elected officers and directors for 2016 will take office at the 42nd Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique to be held Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2016, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Your opinion matters. Take part in this year’s election.