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When: On-Demand

Topics: Public Relations; Preventing Block Movement/Misfires Thru Good Blast Design and Delay Timing; Loading Bulk Blasting Agents and Quality Control on the Bench; Transportation of Explosives

Presenters: Josh Hoffman, IME; Frank Lucca, Terra Dinamica LLC; Evan Hagenlock, Austin Powder; Matt Spina

Training Length: Approximately 4 hours

Price: $150 ($100 for ISEE Members)

This webinar covers public relations, blast design & timing, quality control and transportation of explosives.

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Speakers and Topics

Public Relations

Josh Hoffman, IME (bio)

While it is easy to state that meaningful involvement of the community can play a critical role for a successful blasting operation, following through with this involvement is not an easy task. Blasting operations are not always in the domain of public projects, however individuals in democratic societies have come to expect a voice in projects. Knowing how to bring about stakeholder satisfaction with potential projects by facilitating input from the stakeholders is critical. This presentation will cover some of the tools and materials that have been developed to aid in this effort.

Preventing Block Movement/Misfires Thru Good Blast Design and Delay Timing

Frank Lucca, Terra Dinamica LLC. (bio)

Blast design geometry, initiation sequencing, and blast matting applicable to any type of surface and some types of underground applications.

Loading Bulk Blasting Agents and Quality Control on the Bench

Evan Hagenlock, Austin Powder (bio)

Using bulk explosives has many advantages over handling and loading packaged explosives but requires advanced loading technology. Loading technology for bulk explosives gives the blaster the ability mix and blend products at the borehole with different properties and performance characteristics. This flexibility allows for adjustments in the loading of blastholes or charges within a blasthole, which leads to better blast outcomes. Bulk loading systems, such as bulk trucks, require safety and controlling systems. Controlling the mixing and blending parameters, as well as monitoring the process is essential for the quality of the bulk product. While some safety and control systems are inherent with the loading technology, a blaster needs systems for safety and quality practices on the bench. These include fast and effective testing and monitoring of product characteristics. The presentation describes the common quality control systems and procedures for AN/FO, heavy AN/FO, emulsions, and emulsion blends.

Transportation of Explosives

Matt Spina (bio)

An overview of the components for the legal transportation of explosive materials including

  • Loading of explosives onto a commercial motor vehicle
  • Securement and segregation
  • Avoiding the most prevalent hazmat roadside violations, so loading crews/drivers/managers avoid citations
  • Placarding of a commercial motor vehicle
  • Shipping papers
  • Use of the ERG (emergency response guide)

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