When: On-Demand
Topics: Fundamentals of Blast Design; Importance of Communication Between Drillers and Blasters; Preventing Flyrock Thru Good Blast Design and Delay Timing; Explosive Products: Properties and Application
Presenters: Joe Nawrocki, Dyno Nobel; Seth Burns, Nelson Brothers; Richard O’Meara, Orica; Alastair Torrance, Kilmorie Consulting
Training Length: Approximately 4 hours, 30 minutes
Price: $150 ($100 for ISEE Members)
This webinar covers blast design fundamentals; driller and blaster communications; explosive products; and flyrock prevention.
This webinar is valid for one certificate of completion. If you have previously taken the course and received a certificate, you will not earn another one by taking the quiz again. If this webinar is being taken for retraining credit hours, a 20-question quiz must be completed after watching the webinar in its entirety. Users who score 75 percent or higher, and who submit a signed affidavit stating the entire webinar was watched, will receive a certificate of completion.
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Speakers and Topics
Fundamentals of Blast Design
Joe Nawrocki, Dyno Nobel (bio)
Joe will discuss how rock characteristics; bench heights; hole diameter; burden and spacing; and powder factor are inter-related in determining the proper blast design.
Importance of Communication Between Drillers and Blasters
Seth Burns, Nelson Brothers (bio)
Communication is key in every aspect of a blasting operation including between blasters and drillers. This presentation will dive into every aspect of this communication, the responsibility of the blaster-in-charge in regards to communication, the potential outcomes of good and bad communication and look at some examples to determine where there were success or failures in communication.
Preventing Flyrock Thru Good Blast Design and Delay Timing
Richard O’Meara, Orica (bio)
Flyrock mitigation and Blast Area security are two of the most important aspects of a blaster’s day. This webinar will review standard explosives industry safety practices around blast planning, product loading, initiation system hookup, blast clearing and post blast inspection.
Explosive Products: Properties and Application
Alastair Torrance, Kilmorie Consulting (bio)
Alastair's presentation will closely follow the ISEE Basters’ Handbook 18th Edition, Chapter 11. Some topics covered will include important characteristics of explosives like energy; modes of detonation; sensitivity; water resistance; calculation and measurement of explosive strengths; factors that can affect explosive performance; and specialist applications.