This webinar covers close-in construction blasting; blaster's math; blast reporting/recordkeeping; and vibration fundamentals. If this webinar is being taken for retraining credit hours, a 20-question quiz must be completed after watching the webinar in its entirety. Users who score 75 percent or higher, and who submit a signed affidavit stating the entire webinar was watched, will receive a certificate of completion.
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Speakers and Topics
Close-In Construction Blasting
Mike Koehler, B.E. Consultants
ISEE utilized a group of industry members to provide guidelines for close-proximity blasting, which identified (Close-In) being 300 feet or less from a structure or utility. This group represented many decades of experience in practical blasting applications. The subjects covered in this talk begin at the planning and steps through multiple items to be considered for a safe project. This presentation will focus on highlighting key elements critical for the following: Initial Planning; Blast Design Process; Evaluating the Surrounding Structures & Utilities; Evaluating Site Geology; Evaluating Site Terrain; Designing the Blast Pattern; Vibration Control; Selection of Explosive Type; Fly-rock Controls; Delay Timing; Line Drilling; Public Relations; Pre-Blast Surveys; Ground Vibration and Air Overpressure Limits.
Blaster's Math
Bill Necker, Maurer & Scott
Note: A Texas Instruments TI-30XA calculator is recommended to follow along with this presentation. The goal of this workshop is to instruct the blaster on many of the math formulas needed to calculate the basic elements of blast design. It will be assumed that the attendee has a limited working knowledge of a scientific calculator. Instruction will begin by explaining the various functions of the calculator. Training will then proceed by covering each blasting calculation. An explanation of each formula will be provided including the needed calculator functions and practice examples. Each description will also include practical field recommendation.
Legal Advantages of Good Blast Reports/Recordkeeping
Kelly Ratliff and Ralph Burnham, Reminger Co., LPA
The presentation will focus on the importance of creating and maintaining complete, accurate, and legible blast records when defending blasting claims. We will discuss current trends and numerous case studies to highlight current issues blasters and blasting companies are facing, summarize regulatory requirements, identify common problems observed during litigation, and offer recommendations for implementing internal protocols and standard operating procedures to ensure proper blast records are created and maintained.
Vibration Level One+
Jeff Taylor, Saul's Seismic
The ISEE Blasting Fundamentals Level 1+ Vibration Module presents up-to-date information regarding ground vibrations and air overpressure resulting from blasting operations. This module has been composed, reviewed, and edited by the ISEE Training Committee, which consists of a group of Explosives Industry experts and is presented specifically for providing advanced blaster retraining options. Topics covered in the Vibrations Module include Ground Vibration, Air Overpressure, Vibration and Air Monitoring, Vibration Criteria, Vibration Attenuation and Vibration Control techniques.