51st Annual Conference Registration is Open!
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On March 8, 2023, the Tennessee Volunteer Chapter of the ISEE held its the Volunteer Chapter is Back Meeting. 

The executive board was elected with Brian Sandhaus, Vulcan Materials, President; Mike Larkin, Dyno Nobel, Vice President; Eric Grigoryan, VCE, Treasurer; Nick Richey, Orica, Secretary; and Brian King, Austin Powder, Board Member at Large.

The ATF approached ISEE at the 49th Annual ISEE conference with plans to modernize the ATF Federal Explosives Law and Regulations Book (The Orange Book) and requested ISEE's input. Keep an eye out for an email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information and to stay up to date.

Click the link below to review the ATF regulations and latest rulings.

pdf 2012 ATF Orange Book plus Additional Rulings[42] (5.08 MB)


Recently, members have been forwarding me messages they are getting from outside companies offering to sell the list of attendees from the ISEE Annual Conference.

Please know that ISEE does not, and will not, sell the names of our registrants and guests to outside companies. Period.



The ISEE Board of Directors is recommending the following changes to the ISEE Mission Statement and specific articles of the ISEE Constitution. Eligible members should look out for an email from ISEE to cast your vote to determine if these changes are to be made.