Reporting & Avalanche
When: 8-10 p.m. EDT Tuesday, March 16
What: Reporting looks at the approval process of putting together blasting projects and the regulations that govern how explosives are handled to ensure safety. Avalanche shows how explosives are used in avalanche control.
Who: Ralph Burnham, Joe Meyers, Kelly Ratliff, Mark Gantser, Brian Gorsage
How Much: Free
Hour 1: Reporting
Explosives Oversight: The Art of Communication and Business in the Explosives Industry
Joseph Meyers, FDNY Explosives Unit
Joseph explains the proper communication and business skills to successfully achieve approval of blasting, pyrotechnic and fireworks projects. He also explains proven techniques that have worked in NYC to achieve and improve communication, cooperation and compliance. He presents examples of projects that have been approved using these skills.
Explosives Oversight: Regulations and Reporting Requirements
Kelly Ratliff and Ralph Burnham, Reminger Co.,LPA
Kelly and Ralph present the various uses of explosives regulations that govern the manufacture, sell, transportation and detonation of explosives, and how companies and regulators work to ensure the safety of those who use explosives and the general public.
Hour 2: Avalanche
Avalanches and Roadways / Avalanche and Rockfall Control in Europe
Brian Gorsage, Colorado DOT Avalanche Coordinator; Mark Ganster, Austin Powder - Europe
Mark and Brian discuss the use of explosives to manage and control avalanche and rockfall risks along highways, towns, and ski areas. They bring experience from both North America and Europe and will be sharing knowledge of how this unique use of explosives is needed to provide safety to the public.