51st Annual Conference Registration is Open!
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Civil & Monitoring

When: 8-10 p.m. EST Tuesday, March 9

What: See how explosives are used in road construction and buildings while learning about how blast vibrations are monitored in the U.S. and across the world.

Who: Kristie Bishop, Jared Redyke, Brian Lewis, Cathy Aimone-Martin, Chuck Dowding, Johan Gjodvad

How Much: Free

Hour 1: Civil


Brian Lewis, RESPEC

Brian will touch on drilling and blasting for civil roadways, buildings, schools, subdivisions and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects.


Jared Redyke, Dykon Blasting Corp

Jared will talk about rock drilling and blasting for pipelines, renewable energy and site work.


Kristie Bishop, HTA

Kristie will discuss rock drilling and blasting for civil tunnel approach and utilities within municipalities.

Hour 2: Monitoring


Monitoring; Background, Use and International Perspective



Cathy Aimone-Martin, Aimone-Martin Associates; Chuck Dowding, Northwestern University; Johan Gjodvad, Sigicom AB

As a team, Chuck, Cathy and Johan explore the basics of monitoring, the use of monitoring in real life and last an comparison of international standards.

Dyno Nobel
LDE Corporation

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