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42nd Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique

Jan. 31 – Feb. 3, 2016
Las Vegas, Nevada

More than 1,600 people from around the world met Jan. 31 - Feb. 3, 2016, in Las Vegas, Nev., for the 42nd Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique.

This year’s conference featured a silent auction that raised more than $9,500 for the SEE Education Foundation. Big-ticket items included four park-hopper passes to Walt Disney World; a one-of-a-kind, handmade quilt; a lifetime membership to ISEE; and a commemorative granite block from Crazy Horse Memorial.

The money raised through the auction will go to the Education Foundation ISEE Scholarship Fund, which awards scholarships to college students from across the globe who are pursuing a career in the blasting industry.

View the Schedule

Conference Sponsors

Platinum Level

Nelson Brothers
International Reception
Monday Lunch Beverage
Two Email Blasts

Tread Corporation
Welcome Reception Food

Austin International, Inc.
Monday International Luncheon

Sauls Seismic
Portfolio Bags

Monday Coffee Break
Tuesday Banquet Reception Bar

Gold Level

Furukawa Rock Drill USA
Monday Poster Session Reception

Dyno Nobel
Sunday Blasters R Us Video Roundup

Nobel Insurance Services
Sunday Welcome Reception Bar

Name Badge Lanyards

Conference Program

Saturday Blasters Weekend Reception Bar

U.S. Granules Corporation
Monday International Luncheon Amenities

Tuesday Coffee Break

Wednesday Coffee Break

American Blasting Consumables
Tuesday Lunch Beverage Station

Rothenbuhler Engineering
Clays Shoot

Silver Level

AkzoNobel P&PC, Expancel
Sunday Welcome Reception Entertainment

Photo Contest