The official ISEE 50th Conference registration is open.
Conference Schedule
Tuesday, January 23 |
7am-10pm | Exhibitor move-in |
4pm-7pm | Pre-registration opens (Complimentary beer served) |
6:30pm-8pm | Executive Committee Meeting |
8pm-9pm | Board of Directors Reception |
Wednesday, January 24 |
6am-3pm | Exhibitor move-in |
7am-8am | Goat Yoga |
7am-5pm | Conference registration opens |
8am-10:30am | Chapter Management Workshop Breakfast |
11am-12pm | Blaster’s Training Committee Meeting |
11am-12:30pm | Drillers Section Meeting |
11:30am-12:30pm | Private lunch (only for fishing participants) |
1pm-5pm | Fishing excursion |
12pm-1pm | Lunch in Registration Foyer for attendees |
2pm-3pm | Student Industry Connection |
5:30pm-6pm | Session Chairman’s Meeting |
4pm-5pm | Exhibit Hall opens |
5pm-6:30pm | Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall |
7pm-11pm | Emerging Professionals Social @Service Brewery |
Thursday, January 25 |
6:30am-8am | Past President’s Breakfast |
7am-4pm | Registration opens |
8am-10am | Opening General Session |
9am-1pm | Spouse Event Tour & Lunch Vic’s |
10:30am-3pm | Technical Sessions |
10am-6pm | Exhibit Hall opens Bookstore now in Exhibit Hall at ISEE Booth |
12pm-1pm | Lunch in Exhibit Hall |
12pm-1:30pm | “Cooking Class with Alastair and Steve” |
1pm-5pm | Clay Shoot |
2pm-3pm | Untold Stories “Industry Highlights and History” |
2pm-3pm | Ice Cream Networking Social Hosted by Leopold’s |
6pm-7:30pm | International Reception hosted by Nelson Brothers |
Friday, January 26 |
7am-8:30am | Foundation Trustee’s Meeting |
7am-8:30am | Seismograph Section Meeting |
8am-3pm | Technical Sessions |
8am-4:45 pm | Blaster’s Training |
10:30am-12pm | Regulatory Panel Discussion |
10:30am-11:30am | Conference Advisory Committee Meeting |
10am-6:30pm | Exhibit Hall opens to all |
5:30pm-6:30pm | Blaster’s Reception in Exhibit Hall |
12pm-1pm | Lunch in Exhibit Hall |
2pm-3pm* | *Cocktail Making Class (spouses) |
6:30pm-8pm | Video Round-Up BBQ Dinner |
Saturday, January 27 |
8am-12pm | Technical Sessions final day |
1:30-3:30pm | Poster Session |
8am-5pm | Blaster’s Training |
9am-12pm | Exhibit Hall open |
10am-11am | Publications Committee Meeting |
12pm | Exhibitor pack up begins as |
6:30pm-10pm | “All Clear Cheers and Beers Bash” (will be held in the Westin with fireworks) |
Sunday, January 28 |
Board of Directors Meeting. |
**Buses will pick up from all hotels during conference hours to transport attendees to and from the Convention Center**
**New this year the bookstore will be in the ISEE booth in the hall and operate during Exhibit Hall hours**
**Breakfast will be served in the foyer of Exhibit Hall Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. **
Attention Emeritus, Past Presidents, Spouses, and Students!
- The full conference student membership rate for early bird registration starts August 14 through October 31st and the price is $115.
- Standard registration begins on November 1st.
**Rates do not include Blasters Training**
Because its ISEE’s 50th Annual Conference…. We will be having “$50 for the 50th” rates for the following memberships below.
- Emeritus rate is $50.
- Constitution Article 3, Section 7. Emeritus Membership may be granted, upon request by the member or recommendation by a member of the Board of Directors, to members who have reached 65 years of age and have retired from active business or have become incapacitated, provided that they shall have been members in good standing for at least twenty (20) years prior to their application for Emeritus Membership. An Emeritus Member shall not be subject to dues or assessments and shall enjoy all the privileges of membership.
- Past President rate is $50.
- The spouse rate is $50.